Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Chris Sawalski

Christopher Sawalski
Communication 160
Blog #1
September 5, 2017

The world is full of lessons, lessons that have been taught over and over again, as we know, history tends to repeat itself, it is inevitable. We grow as a society, and we regress as a society. And there are certain truths that I believe are true throughout all of history and everything to come.

There was a woman known for doing great things and being a good person, always helping others, and she said something that really resonated with me was, "I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness." She is basically saying that she would rather look silly, make mistakes, be wrong, but be trying to do the right thing, other than be able to do amazing, in-natural things for evil.

There are so many different ways you can look at this quote, but how I saw it was looking at the lust from a movie I saw called, "The Socerer's Apprentice," which is a Nicholas Cage movie where he and another apprentice were faced with a choice to make, and he made the just choice, and ended up not having some ability that the other learned using dark magic. Anyways, I related this because the other characters lust for being able to conquer all, and have power, and have everything he wants took over his kind heart and his ability to be a good person, while the main character chose to stay on a morally right path, even if it meant he couldn't have everything the other could.

I think this lesson is shown throughout all of history, people always trying to get what they cant have, they become selfish and urge for more and more and they love to get, but not give. I think that the world can learn a lot from this quote.

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