Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Nicholas Plaskett September Blog #2

Nicholas Plaskett
Communications 160
Blog Post 2
26 September 2016

Family is seen to be a group to where one can look for support and affection during obstacles and times of need; after reading a section from Fear: Beneath the Facade by Andres Gomez, one sentence that reached out to me was, "As long as my family is strong and healthy, I thought to myself, how bad can anything be?  Our rock-solid household was like a bunker I could always retreat to in times of need (43).  Despite what difficulties are present in someone's life, an individual can look towards their family for loving actions and after my parents divorce a part of this disappeared much like Andres Gomez explained.

After this major incident happened in my life, I felt like I was torn in between and did not know who to believe.  I knew that both parents were still there for me in times of need, however, I felt like if I told one parent what was going on in my life, I needed to tell the other as well;  Which made it difficult because it was no longer a whole I was expressing my thoughts and feelings to, but more rather the individual.  Also, both of my parents took much different paths after their divorce and I saw myself becoming much more closer and relatable to my mother than my father.  As I continued to grow closer to my mother, my father took it as me picking a side against him and family turned into being my “problem” rather than helping me “solve my problems.”

Divorce plays a toll in any child’s life and I am sure there are many others that feel the same as Andres Gomez and I did after our parents’ split.  It’s extremely ironic how something I us to look towards to help resolve my problems became my problem and I had to find other ways to cope with my feelings and thoughts.

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