Thursday, September 28, 2017

Blog post #2

Quote: I was taking control of making myself into a man.
-Andre Gomez Fear (Pg. 41)
            I choose this quote because the topic of masculinity has come up so frequently in my classes recently. When the topic of gender identity or fighting against gender stereotypes appears in media, it is often shown how minority groups are effected by stereotypes. However in all of my communication classes, they have also mentioned how society expects men to act. While I do believe the women have it far worse than men, as a man I am very interested in my representation in this issue.
            In Gomez’s book, his motivation to conform to society’s idea of a man was anchored in fear. In his mine, and what I believe society imagines is the archetypical man is, a man show not show or even fell afraid of anything. Men that are afraid are seen as “sissies”. At some point this lead to the concept of men beginning to act like wimps and pushovers, not manly, lead to the idea of The Dewussification of America. Its premises was to turn men back into “Men”, and was for headed by those from older generations.
            The quote also reminds me of the documentary Tough Guise 2, which I have seen twice for two different classes. It talks about how men are often seen in media as naturally violent “let boys be boys”. It touches on the social expectations for men to look or act, man should be muscular, play sports, be in charge of the house. If you don’t satisfy these qualities you might be seen as “gay”, a wuss, or just not manly. That social feedback will demoralize people without a support group, thankfully this is less common.
            So for me this line should represent falling in line to social norms. However, looking at it again I would like to spin it on its head. “I am taking control of making myself into a man, the type of man I want to be.

-Robby Meier, Comm 160

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