Monday, September 11, 2017

The Most Important Sentence

In chapter one the most important sentence to myself was found on page 13 of Communication a Critical/Cultural Introduction by Warren and Fassett. This sentence reads, "It is helpful to think of communication as a process, rather than a product." Wither we like it or not, as humans we are always communicating. Communication is a constant and never ending process. We communication in everything we say and do. We communicate by what we wear, our body movements, facial expressions, even down to eye movements is communication. It is important to remember the importance of nonverbal communication because these actions do most of the communicating. In a study done at a University in Pennsylvanian states that 70% of communication takes place nonverbally. The reason I chose the sentence about a process verse a product is because if we only thing about verbals as communication it is just simply a product. One person speaks and that is the end of the communication. But as we factor in nonverbal communication it really begins to show the endless and ongoing process that communication is, and not just a product.

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