Friday, September 22, 2017

McKenzie Refaey
Comm. 160
September Blog Post
Chapter 6: Identity and Perception
            The books example of identity is referring to who someone is, whereas perception is someone’s perspective or point of view. Some examples of identity and perception would be: racial, gendered, historical, geographical, familial, classed, and education-oriented aspects, faith, age, ability, sexuality, and political orientation. Identity is answering the question of “Who am I?” – and perception is defined in the book as “how a person sees the world, as influenced by the social, political, and cultural experiences that frame and mark her or him.” We all have different selves because we are always changing with context and time. I act differently when I am going I for an interview than with my family and friends, and that is normal because it is two very different context.
            We have different selves as we move through life. Perception also has the ability to grow and adapt. The book define social construction as, “ suggesting that our social reality emerges through our actions and that our world and the social rules we live by are the product of our communication, both verbal and nonverbal.” Symbolic interactionism is stating that the self is a product of the messages it has come across in the past. Impression management is like putting on a different face or mask for ourselves and for others, it’s building an impression. Our gender identities are learned, as a woman I was taught to sit properly when wearing a dress and had chores like cooking and cleaning. “Rituals function to shape and define our identities.” A ritual I have is going to church every Sunday and then going out for breakfast.

            I have always been told to “dress to impress” when going to an interview or first day of a new job. Women have to think about the length of the skirt they wear and the color of clothing they choose to wear. More importantly, what comes out of my mouth during an interview is very crucial on whether the organization would hire me. During the interview I also have to make the mental note of whether I am going to shake the person’s hand or wait until they extend the opportunity. An interesting note that I found interesting about this chapter is when discussing about role of power in an organization it talked about women wearing high heels and that “however attractive we might find high heels, this modern practice of foot binding slows a woman’s pace and helps her appear delicate.” In conclusion, many things shape our identities and I think it is important to focus on things of your identity that make you proud. 

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