Monday, September 11, 2017

Blog Post 1 Alex Olin

Blog Post I
COMM 160
Alexandra Olin
            From chapter 3’s readings on Ann Russo’s passage ‘Between Speech and Silence: Reflections on Accountability,’ the quote that caught my eye and caused me to think more in depth on not only how vital it is to build relationships through unequal and divided circumstances but how communication itself is the bridge towards a deeper social transformation is from Russo’s last sentence in her writing;  “I have learned that it is through building relationships and communities across unequal divides that we’re able to create knowledge, strategies and visions necessary for deep and expansive social transformation.”
            This quote from Russo can be broken down into the most important and simple message that speaks loudly to all people across every culture and nationality; only through overcoming differences can we begin to expand our social outlook and mindset. This message although simple and almost blatantly straightforward in context, holds a deeper meaning behind it that can be related to nearly every outlook and situation people experience and see working in their lives. Overcoming ‘unequal divides and building relationships and communities’ as explained by Russo, not only helps individuals from different backgrounds and culture come together to create a more expansive social reform but breaks down the barriers hindering strategies and visions necessary for constructing a better future. Bringing various communities together that otherwise would remain divided not only brings into light other individual’s perspective to help solve problems but creates opportunity to expand our social constructs in ways not thought of before. This quote not only sets the stage for future goals but also helps expand our minds towards future class readings. With the main emphasis on listening and not just hearing, I believe that the basis for overcoming differences is to simply listen and engage productively in divided situations with divided people.
            Analyzing Russo’s words of wisdom, one example perfectly demonstrates how overcoming division and building relationships through that division can lead to a successful transformation of social constructs. AMC’s hit television show ‘The Walking Dead’ brilliantly displays Russo’s quote on coming together through divided places to build relationships through the characters portrayed lives. Moreover, within the episodes themselves it depicts how people from various walks of life can overcome differences to create a new community and essentially restore social order. Although this comparison may seem a bit stretched in its relation to Russo’s quote, I believe that universally enjoyed shows, such as The Walking Dead, are a way people of divided cultures and nationalities come together to build relationships off the shared enjoyment for the show. This basic understanding to cross divides to build relationships that change the social order is the overarching theme of The Walking Dead plot and directly relates to Russo’s underlying theme of unity through differences throughout her writing.

            A specific example from the show that further demonstrates its direct relation to Russo’s writing is in season 2 episode 2: Bloodletting. Within this episode, Rick encounters a farmer Hershel who comes from a different walk of life, totally isolated from the plague ravaging the world. Rick’s group and Hershel’s family finds themselves working together and ultimately building a large community despite blatant divides in how both groups live their lives. And although the group encounters various obstacles while working to overcome those divides, they ultimately begin the journey of rebuilding the social order of the world. This show is a unique and applicable example of how Russo believes the world itself will move towards social transformation, and while the show is fictional the ideals behind it are still applicable to the real world today. 

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