Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Post 2

How you see something. That's all I really thought perception was. Nothing more than that, never really analyzed it. Until I heard it as it was used in Chapter 6 of Communication: A Critical/Cultural Introduction, "Perception, is how a person sees the world, as influenced by social, and cultural experiences that frame and mark her or him." (p.99) That really stuck with me, how a person sees the world, ok, I got that part, but as influenced by outside forces? I had never thought of that. It makes sense though, people all over the world see things the way they see them.....because they were taught to. They believe what they believe, not because they have free will, and free choice, they are totally enslaved to their experiences. Whether its a good thing or a bad thing, the way anybody sees something is based on their experiences with it. Like take alcohol for instance, if somebody is drinking for the first time say, whiskey, and they drink way too much because a Jack and Coke just happens to be delicious, and they have a rough night. They then, might see whiskey as disgusting, or terrible, because of a bad experience, while others might love it. The way we see things is all based on our own experiences, the way we view the world, is all different, and it could be just because of one instance or experience.

Perception to me, was never more than just a word, but after thinking about it, it really makes things click for me. We believe what we think is right, but who's to say what's right. Nobody knows what is exactly right, nobody is really sure about what to do in every situation, but we make our best judgement calls in every situation that we're in. It's easy to judge other people for doing the, "wrong," thing, but when we do the wrong thing, in the moment, we had a justification for it, and I think that's what perception is all about now, right and wrong, And the great thing about perception, is there is no right or wrong. It's all up to each individual and we all have our own, messed up, construed perception on everything.

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