Friday, September 29, 2017

Blog 2 Mitchel Collins

Mitchel Collins
Professor Ivey
Communication 160
27 September 2017
Robot’s Toys
For this blog, I wanted to discuss the reading we had about mythologies by Barthes, specifically about his chapter called french toys. This chapter really got me thinking about the change of toys just in my lifetime. I remember having legos and wood blocks when I was growing up that I had to use my imagination to create toys and objects that I wanted. However I remember having toys that were pre made like GI joes and little robots that came pre made. I got those toys because I begged and cried to my parents that they were what I wanted. We normally got these toys on special occasions such as christmas. However, these toys only help our love and attention till july, and then it was begging and planning on getting new toys for the next christmas.
Now that I’m older, I see how weird and scary it was that advertisements had such a hold over me making me believe that these toys were essential to my life. Whats even scarier is that these advertisements have gotten so good and widespread nowadays that kids believe that needing these toys are part of their culture.

Now that these kids believe that these pre made, no emotional attachment toys are the only toys in their culture, it becomes a myth.

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