Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Blog Post #2

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September 26, 017
Comm 160
Blog Post #2

Quote: "The process of linking a signifier to a signified."
Since being in this class, I have learned a lot of new ideas and concepts that I never really got to fully understand before in the past.  The quote I chose to write my blog on is "the process of linking a signifier to the signified" because it discussed the importance of signs in a person's everyday life.  One concept that really stood out to me was in last week's lecture, which was on language and symbol use.  Throughout this lecture, we learned about three different cultures when it comes to language and symbol use: rhetorical, mediated, and inclusive.  After this lecture, I realized how important language and symbol use is in today's society.  Specifically, the concept of "signs" really stood out to me.  According to the Prezi, a sign is a recongizable combination of signifier and signified.  One thing I found very interesting was the concept of "signs" in sports.  Specifically, I learned more about certain "signs" that players or coaches give to either call a play or get a message or emotion across.  Being a sports athlete myself, I often take this for granted because it is usually forgotten and not remembered.  This is a perfect example of how certain symbols relate to different cultures, this example being the sports culture.  Being a baseball player here at Boise State, I looked at a different article that focused on the importance of hand gestures in the MLB.  In addition to the lecture, this article also helped me gain a better understanding of the importance of symbols, mainly hand gestures or signs in today's sports society.  Overall, throughout my time in this class, I have learned that people are able to communicate through a variety of ways, such as verbally and non-verbally.  Non-verbal communication is very underrated because people are able to gain so much information through little things such as hand

gestures or signs.  

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