Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Blog #2

While reading through chapter 6 about identity and perception I came across two quotes that really made me think about my own life. The two quotes go like this, "Nothing of me is original. I am a combined effort of everyone I've ever known" by Chuck Palahniuk and "Through others we become ourselves." by Lev S. Vygotsky

This to me is because of the perception everyone has on their life. Now perception is defined as how a person sees the world, as influenced by the social, political, and cultural experiences that frame and mark them. As I stated before this really made me think about my life, and how true both of these quotes actually are.

Throughout my life my moods, attitudes, beliefs, and values have also been constantly changing due to the people who I have met and the impact they have had on my life. There are two main sources that have made the biggest impact on my life and that is the charity I work for, NEGU, and my lovely girlfriend, who is the complete opposite of me.

The charity I worked for changed my whole outlook on my personal life and what I want to do with my life. Before volunteering for them, I would say I was very selfish and self centered. After this experience with them my life was completely changed. My cultural aspect and outlooks on life changed tremendously after this, all I wanted in life was to do good for others. I realized I am very blessed and that now in life I want to give rather than receive. I realized my white privilege has affected me and made my life amazing while others did not get to experience life as I did. This as I said changed my life and gave me a new outlook to help others rather than help myself.

Secondly my girlfriend has given me a new outlook and perception on the political stand point. I grew up in Orange County, California with two Republican parents. This has skewed my viewpoints to be a Republican, but since meeting my girlfriend a daughter of two immigrant parents from the Dominican Republic my views have changed. I went from being a hard core Republican to having viewpoints on both sides of the political spectrum. All of this because of another persons voice in my head, giving me a new outlook on life.

I am forever thankful for meeting the people I have met throughout my lifetime. Without them, I would not be the person I am today. My perception is always changing due to the amazing people I met in my lifetime and will continue to change until my last breath.

Trevor Wise

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