Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Identity blog#2

The chapter 6 explains that identity is not only the trait of the person but it is the sum of various factors that determines the identity of a person. A person is influenced by the community, society and history. Some traits are considered normal but it also depends on all of the social environment. What appears to be normal for one person is a privilege in the eyes of another and would not be considered normal.
Perception is how I see the world according to the social, political, and cultural influence I might have experienced. It is the frame work for my personality. The way we communicate is heavily influenced by how we take in our surrounding and how the environment has influenced us.
Social construction is the way my social environment has shaped me and how I act. A wonderful example is when I first moved to the US, I would come to a party and walk from one person to the other and shake hands. Over the years I realized that it was not so much part of the culture I was living in, and I adjusted my behavior.  My social environment altered my identity.
I like this quote: " Finally, our selves and our identities are always in a process of becoming. Who we are is never fixed or static but always in motion. We build ourselves in our actions with others. While this might seem scary - If who I am isn't fixed or certain, then who am I? - it's also a hopeful perspective; if we are continually making and remaking ourselves in communication with one another, then we are capable of change and growth..." (Communication. A critical/cultural introduction, John T. Warren & Deanna L. Fassett, 2015 p. 112) Who am I? Reflecting on my identity and who I am has sent me in a whirl wind of thoughts. What is my  identity?  How do I communicate with my surrounding. My personal analysis of who I am was not easy. I wanted to consider all factors but I just scratched the surface. I can start by stating the obvious. I am white female. But I am also a lot more.  I am constantly  changing as I am growing up, growing older, etc.
I have a family and with it I am taking on different roles. I am a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, a cousin, a niece, a friend, a daughter-in-law, a sister-in-law, a granddaughter, a co-worker, a peer, and many more roles. In each of my roles I communicate differently. I use different words to relay my message. In my personal life I will not use necessarily the business language to relay a message.
My son is having troubles in school and he needs his voice to be heard. I am an advocate. I speak for him and stand by him. I use the words to relay his concerns and problems to the teacher. My son falls and gets injured. I am a caregiver. I talk softly to comfort him. And the list can keep on going. I am what I want myself to be.
My goal is not to come to a standstill . My curiosity drives me forward. I look for personal growth and therefore I look for opportunities to learn and grow. I broaden my horizon and seek education.  I observe and learn. I am a student. My perspective changes as I learn more. I evolve and grow to be who I am. I study hard to ensure I am submerged in the culture. I want to belong. But I speak with an accent and my heritage prevents me from being totally submerged. I say things differently. My sentences are built differently. I am different. But who am I?
I have to work harder. I am outspoken. My mother taught me to be proud of who I am. I traveled and learned languages. I learned no matter where you move to you will always maintain your roots. You learn to understand who you are and what  your heritage is. I am a world traveler.

I am in motion. I change constantly. I am happy. I am sad. How do you perceive me? What is your first impression of me? I love to giggle and be silly. Do you not take me serious because of my personal trait? Do you need me to be stern and serious all the time? Will you take me serious now. Who am I? I am white female.

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