Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Blog post #2

Delaney O'Neill
Sept. 26

 “Fear is what makes us great. It’s what makes us commit to the leap and dive in, full-bodied, and risk and dig and push”

            I chose this section of the reading because I think that this concept is so important and is something that everyone should remember. It is important because I think that everyone needs to learn not to be afraid of fear. The things we do not fear end up being mundane and easy to come by. The most wonderful things in life are terrifying. These wonderful things must be worked towards and do not come easily. Some of the scariest things in my life have turned out to be some of the most incredible things. However, I wouldn’t have these incredible things in my life if I did not face my fears. We all have a fear of failure; it is what motivates us. However, you learn the most from failure, not success. In a Huffington Post article titled “3 Reasons Why Fear Is Actually a Good Thing” it is brought to light that “courage and fear go hand in hand”. To be brave you must be facing something that is worth being brave for. If a task or goal is easy, there is no courage involved, and therefore the reward is less meaningful. However, facing something difficult or scary, creating large goals, or stepping out of your comfort zone takes courage. The root of courage is from fear and what you do with it.
 Another reason, according to this article, fear is good is it “is intended to keep us safe”. An example of this is the fight or flight response. However, so interpret this as an excuse to not do something that scares them. It is argued that our fear is trying to keep us from experiences that may harm us, so therefore to avoid a fearful situation. I do not agree with this argument. I think that if all satiations that incite fear are avoided, life is not really being lived to the fullest. The most boring experiences of my life have been ones that I had to fear or nervousness about. While I do not regret any of my experiences, I do not treasure these like I treasure times that I was terrified. I was terrified to go away to college, and if I were to not have faced my fears I would be at home, without the wonderful experiences I have had in Boise.
            This quote made me look at the content of this course differently by pushing me to do more. Doing the bare minimum in this class (and any) may be easy, but will produce little results. Stepping out and thinking outside of the box as well as giving each project my best will help me in the long run. Not only will I most likely get a better grade, but I will also get something real from this class, other than a grade. Hopefully, from the “commit to the leap” in this class will help me learn new concepts that I will carry with me beyond college.  
            Fear of failure also drives us in a different way. This fear helps push you. It pushes you because it reminds you of what could happen of you don’t work hard. However, it also helps create a vision of the outcome of hard work and success. Without fear, we would not create this successful vision and would not have something to work towards. Overall, we need fear to have any kind of goal or drive in life.

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