Thursday, September 28, 2017

Blog #2- Fear: Beneath the Facade by Andres Gomez (Reflection

Amanda Gould

During this reading I learned a lot about how Andres Gomez was raised and the hurdles he had to face in his life. Gomez expresses his feelings about what young boy's are taught to be like and how to represent there own identity. They are told to "...buck up and be strong and tough- oftentimes, to "man up." Men struggle with making sure there identity represents a "manly-man" and not to be wimpy. Gomez suffered with many fears as a kid such as many children do, fear of the dark, fear of getting braces, and fear of having to wear glasses one day since his parents both had glasses. Each one of those were all fears Gomez had growing up and there were plenty more of them as well but he had faced each one of those fears and learned to adjust his life to work with them. He suffered through anxiety and would have panic attacks at a young age due to the big life challenges he had to face. Gomez said, "My mom had always fostered this idea in me that I was brave, which actually created a lot of anxiety." I believe instead of hiding from your fears or the truth is to face them on your own time full heartedly and grow from them. Gomez explained his high school experiences after his parents had gone through a really bad divorce and how he made impulsive decisions that he regretted in the long run because he was so young and selfish. Everyone at some point in there lives have felt like they were the new kid or maybe did not fit in as well as others because it is a new environment for them or a new situation they've never gone through before. Personally I have gone through a very similar situation when I was going into my sophomore year of high school when my parents were going through some rough times with there marriage, and my family moved away from the town I was raised in and leave my best friends and place I called home behind. During this time it seemed as if it was the scariest thing ever, but I did not know think to myself that I could get through this fear I was facing during this time and find out that the change I was going through were only preparing me for my future. Over time I had met new friends, started on a new soccer team, and built a new life for myself in a new place I never would have imagined I would call home one day. Currently being a sophomore in college in a state 900 miles away from my home in Southern California I have had to start a new life for myself here. I wanted to go through change because as I look back to my sophomore year in high school I am so blessed to have had the experiences I had gone through because it has only prepared me that much more for my future. "Fear is the fuel behind everything great that I have done." Gomez says this in the reading and it sat with me heavily because I have learned to face anything that may seem as a challenge or scary to me, full heartily and tackle it because I know I will get past it. No matter what is on the other side I am lucky to go through certain experiences to prepare me for what lies in my future.

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