Thursday, September 28, 2017

Blog #2

There was very interesting quote that jumped out at me in the reading of chapter 6 this week.  

"In this way, any study of the social world-the world we live in- is always a study of communication: our everyday talk, the messages we glean from the internet and other media sources, how our bodies move through space, and so forth, all build the rules and norms that guide our actions. In this sense, our identities are socially constructed" (102). 

This quote sums up why I became a communications major in the first place.  I was always told that communications a vague and inapplicable major when it came to the real world but that could not be farther from the truth.  This quote is proof of that.  Communications is woven throughout every aspect of our very humanity.  How we talk and what we say has a greater impact than we can ever imagine.  Communications defines who we are and who we become depending on what type of communication we project or search out.  Our very identity are shaped by the language that we send and receive.  I used to think that we were all born with one identity and that was the mold we were stuck with for the rest of our lives.  There would be no way to change it and we would just have to play the hand that we were dealt. That could not be farther from the truth.  

There are so many perspectives to look from.  What media sources are we researching from? Who are we hanging out with? What types of messages are we sending? Where do we find ourselves spending the most time on the internet? Our generation lives in a digital encyclopedia world that is available right in fron of us.  What information are we perceiving as right and wrong? What side do we find ourselves agreeing with most of the time? How does that affect our character in our everyday lives with everyday people? I could go on and on but the bottom line is I think it is so important to take a step back in our own lives and examine questions like this when applied to us.  It is important because it has the ability to affect who we become as a human being.  When something as important as character  is at stake, it is so important that we pay attention because who we are shapes the decisions we make and the paths we take in this one life we are given. It is because of posts like this that communications will forever be my favorite subject to study.

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