Tuesday, September 5, 2017


"I do not merely hear with my ears, I hear with my whole body. My ears are at best the focal organs of hearing."

Hearing and listening are two completely different categories. Personally, I feel like I actively listen with my ears, and hear with my body and facial expressions. Listening involves more than hearing, for when I hear someone talk my mind might be in another place, but when I listen my mind and body are involved with what is being said. My own views on this quote conceal the fact that hearing is merely visually being present for what is said. Active listening takes more than just ears, one must dissect what has been said and reiterate the information, and make an effort to show compassion for showing interest. If I'm present, and am not interested in what is being said I might just hear the information and let It flow through my brain capacity. Either way these two different categories deal with vocal vibrations. Buy it is up to oneself to choose how that information will be personally viewed and reiterated.

This quote could be viewed in many different ways. Anyway one views this it is basically summed up as hearing takes more than just ears. Hearing and active listening takes more than just that, it takes eye contact, facial expression, and even sometime hand gestures. Talking face to face with somebody always quires so much effort. That could be the basis to see how interested that person might be. If somebody is actively hearing, one might create eye contact or provide feedback that provides the speaker with feeling of self worth. Hearing is a part of communication, and humans have different
levels of hearing, but I will forever provide great communication skills.
Yours Truly,
Erik J. <3

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