Monday, September 4, 2017

August Blog Post

“Sometimes sounds are taken for granted (like the audible signal at the crosswalk), and sometimes they are hard to ignore (like the ambulance roaring down the street).”
 I think that this quote from the chapter four reading really resonates with not only my life, but most others as well. Small sounds that can easily be overlooked, I think most people take for granted. I know that before our readings and this chapter especially, I didn’t take into consideration all the things that I could be missing because I wasn’t really listening.
An example of hearing vs. listening that I came across is in the movie The Emperor’s New Groove. The Emperor Kuzco has a trusted advisor, Yzma. During the movie he makes it known that she is the advisor and not the Emperor. There is a specific scene where he actually fires Yzma for trying to run the country behind his back. When Kuzco sees that she has been doing his job and was sitting in the Emperor’s, all-mighty chair, he decides to confront her about doing his job. She starts to make excuses for herself saying that she was only dealing with meaningless peasant matters, and then all of a sudden Kuzco wasn’t ‘listening’ to what she had to say, rather focusing on her facial features, and the piece of lettuce stuck in her teeth. He then decides to fire her and make his point known that she was being let go.
I think this is just a small example of what hearing vs. listening really is. It happens in our everyday lives and we don’t take much consideration towards it. I think now that doing our readings on listening and the lectures that I can say that I am attempting to make a change in my life on my listening skills and not just hear someone for the sake of hearing someone.

The link to the scene in Emperors New Groove.

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