Saturday, September 9, 2017

Blog #1

After reading chapter 4 from Communication A Critical/Culture Introduction I learned a lot more about listening and hearing. I have taken a communication listening class in the past and learning more about it intrigues me about how humans all communicate with one another and comprehend information in different ways. A phrase that stood out to me was “…our ability to shift when we engage as listeners can create the possibility for multiple and differing experiences” (p.67). I find this to be very true when communicating because we communicate in many different manners whether that be physical communication, over the phone, or letters. Growing up in a generation that is filled with technology continuously rising we all understand that texts can be hard to differentiate the meaning at times.

With today’s social media and technology anything that is out in the public can be adjusted and edited in many ways. Depending on experiences you have gone through and your cultural background everyone listens in different ways. Listening is a huge part of our society because without actually listening and understanding one another there would be many miscommunications. Listening shows respect especially towards elders like when your parents as for you to do a task or a manager asks a favor from you.

From an article written by Glenn Llopis called 6 Ways Effective Listening Can Make You A Better Leader explains that no matter where you come from you can listen and respect one another by just following these 6 steps. First, show that you care and by doing that you show interest in whoever is talking with you. Second, engage yourself by responding with feedback. Third, be empathetic, because you will not agree with everyone’s views but by being respectful will help lead the conversation in good a direction. Fourth, don’t judge others, keep your opinion to yourself while someone else is opening up to you with there own thoughts. Fifth, be expansively mindful, by doing this show your engaged by communicating through body language and through gestures. Sixth, don’t interrupt, let the conversation flow in both ways. Overall I have learned through the reading and my own research that listening to one another will help guide you to become a better leader and grow as an individual in different public settings. 

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