Wednesday, November 7, 2018

October post

The most important thing that stood to me during the month of October was the lesson and video about Disney.  It really made me reflect on the movies and shows I grew up watching. I personally never noticed the racism that was portrayed in Disney movies, but after it was pointed out in the film I knew what they were talking about.  The point in the film that stuck out to me the most was the little boy who was scared by children because their voices sounded like the monkeys from a movie. I do not remember exactly what the situation was. I was surprised that a child picked up on that because it was is not something that ever crossed my mind as a child.  I think it is important to know that these movies can shape the way kids view people. With that said, I think Disney has done a great job with their newer movies. For one, not all their movies revolve around princesses. They have other plots other than falling in love. Also, Princess Tiana made a change in the media. She was the first princess to not be white, which made a huge statement.  Moana was also a princess of color, and she did not fall in love in the end. Instead, she got to be the hero and save her whole tribe. Another newer movie is Frozen. This is the only Disney movie to state that you can not fall in love with a man you just met and it is about sisterly love. These movies have helped children be more educated and accepting of other races. Disney is headed in a good direction to become more inclusive.  

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