Monday, November 5, 2018

October Blog Post

What stood out to me these past classes was the lesson about Relationships and Culture. One specific lesson was when we talked about Buber's four reasons to study relationships. Buber's explanation is a way that people in a culture communicate and have relationships with other people in there culture. Burber talks about why it is important for us to understand this. Buber's four reasons are reasons that are straight forward but we don't think about it everyday, we just do or don't.
Buber's points include that relationships are unique and important, relationships should be fluid and can be unpredictable, there is a ethic of responsibility in relationships, and meeting other people in relationships are important. I relate this the the outside world because every relationship I have with people is different but they are all important. For example my relationship with my mom is different than my relationship with my friend. Most of my relationships I've made (especially in college) are unpredictable. I think college is a perfect example of unpredictability because everyone you meet is new to you and you are forced to have unpredictable relationships. As for the ethic in relationships if you don't have trust in your relationship with one another or vise versa the relationship most likely won't work out. I say this because from personal experience I thought I could trust my friend not to tell a personal statement of me and she told everyone, that made our relationship end. Lastly, times are changing and some people don't even meet people they have "relationships" with because of technology now. It is so important to know who you are talking to for safety and comfort.
These four points are broad in a way because there could be two answers to each point. Not realizing the importance of relationships can hurt the relationships you have now and in the future. What I took away the most was that if you don't have good stable relationships then you will not help the culture and society you live in, you will hurt it.

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