Thursday, November 1, 2018

October Blog Post

This month we talked a lot about positionally, media and different impacts that culture has on us and then intern how we impact culture. The things that stuck out the most to me from this month was how Disney effects us from a very young age and media is used to make us feel a certain way.

From a young age we see gender roles, stereotypes and culture played out in tv series and movies presented by Disney. In class we watched Mickey Mouse Monopoly: Disney, Childhood, and Corporate Power. This documentary gives light to a dark and more controversial side of Disney. Many of the movies that it references are from the 40s to 90s. Most of the documentary was going through the themes like cultures, historical events, and gender emphasized on a female perspective. One part that showed me was when they asked children, ages of 6 to 11, about these themes and their perspectives. For example one girls stated that if you just love a moan enough he will change his ways. That sentence really showed red flags for me because growing up my parents always told me that you can't change someone they are the person they want to be. 

Media is a plate form for use to get advocated at and to advocate through. These messages that are being used can either hurt or hinder our end goal. In class we talked about the 30 days challenge. This is an example of how you can make advocacy hinder your goal and make important things seem like a joke. An Article from The NewTimes  states that media can have a positive or negative effect on culture. The example it uses is the Rwandan way of dance. The author talks about how the Rwandan dances were about legends, fairytales and history. They tended to be sad songs to dance along to with some humor. The media has changed these dances to be fast and more promiscuous. Children learn about culture from the people around them but in this millennial era children learn from the people around them but also what they see on a screen. 

Media has changed the way we think and look at the world in many ways. We are constantly having information feed at use from all directions. It up to us as people to decide if this information is true, false, or just someone opinion. No matter what the media says we need to stick to our morals and what we believe. 

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