Tuesday, November 6, 2018

October Blog Post

Well well, goodbye October. How did that happen? Over this last month, we have covered a great deal of information. At the beginning of the month, we discussed the relationship between media and culture. As discussed in class as well as in our textbook media is our primary drive for just about everything in this generation. During class, we watched The Monopoly of Disney, and it opened my eyes to so many important factors that played roles in our childhood lives. We were given examples such as Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. How women are helpless, fragile and always in despair was a common factor we came across in these movies. We also saw a common theme of body types and the ideal situation of what beauty should be perceived as. In the long run, many of these movies didn’t do us favors in our adolescent years and didn’t assist in shaping us, but we have progressed. We discussed how The Monopoly of Disney could be updated and what movies we would use today. Though none are perfect and still follow some guidelines, we don’t all agree with we see some progression. We are beginning to see body types progress in ways that are relatable such as in the movie Moana. We are also starting to see the progression in powerful female leads such as Frozen, Brave and Tangled. To see progress among these movies is just the start of something big. In the last decade, we have made great strides in feminist acts and to embrace the concept of equality at a young age is essential.

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