Tuesday, November 6, 2018

October Blog Post: Co-construction

Media is something that has always had an impact on societies, especially in first world countries. Especially with social media being so present in our daily activities, media is more prevalent than ever before. Media is what creates and shapes out culture. Co-construction is the mutual use and creativity between people and media; we use and create media, while media simultaneously use and create us as individuals and collective groups. Media can take form as social media networks, advertisements, movies, TV shows, articles, pictures, and much more. Consumption of media is almost inevitable in a society like ours today. However, just like consuming food, consuming media should be done just as cautiously. In order to have a healthy mind and perspective, you need to have facts - not just opinions - from multiple viewpoints. Consuming junk media is just as unhealthy for your mind as consuming junk food is for your body; junk isn’t always a bad thing, as long as it’s consumed in moderation. On the up side of media consumption, most people try to get various viewpoints which creates conversation between people. Although not all conversations go well, conversations themselves are a healthy thing in regards to understanding and comprehending media consumption; and, conversations are what embrace co-construction between media and people.
As it’s election time, co-construction is especially critical. It can be incredibly easy for an individual to surround themselves with media in which they agree. However, just like eating food, people need to find a balance between foods they like and foods that will help them have a balanced diet, or in this case a balanced understanding and balanced informational intake. There is also a case to be made for individuals who disregard politics altogether and choose to create their media around things besides politics. Since they surround themselves with everything besides politics and political issues, they can develop an unhealthy mind by shutting out information regarding issues happening around them and potentially happening to them. By engaging in media not regarded to politics, individuals are closing opportunities to create and engage in conversations around those topics and issues. Contrastly, people that only engage in political media close opportunity to converse with others about things on a more personal level outside of views and opinions regarding certain topics. Media is typically used as a call to action, but personal connections are just as important as conversations regarding politics and the facts behind all sides. It’s all about finding the happy medium and balance between everything. Making sure to engage in political issues and opening conversation with others regarding their views, the facts, the challenges/opinions, while still making sure to create conversation with others regarding things besides politics and political viewpoints.
Co-construction is important because it’s something that happens continuously, regardless of whether or not we realize or acknowledge it. It is important that we recognize areas that aren’t getting the conversations they may need and that we create a respectful atmosphere for conversations and for media as a whole. Media is a powerful thing that is meant to strike a response; but, as the media is using and creating us and the society we live in, we must also use and create media and how we wish it to be utilized. Through social media, we have been using media to connect with people we wouldn’t otherwise be able to. With that responsibility, we must use it as a way to create conversation and connect with people.

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