Tuesday, November 6, 2018

October Blog Post

One aspect of this month that stood out and intrigued me, was the idea that highlights the role media plays in society and varying cultures. Many aspects of the way media influences the younger generation and how they act out, is due to easy access to technology and online media at an early age.
When the children see these "internet stars" & figures on twitter, Instagram, etc., they are seeing this as inspiration to fuel their actions online, as well as in real life. For example, the "Catch me Outside girl," Danielle Bregoli, was first seen on the show, Dr. Phil, in which she disrespected the host, as well as the audience, and her mother. She stormed out of the show after having a negative reaction given to her, and quickly found herself rising to fame, through twitter retweets, and many shares on the internet. Due to this, she maintained her figure and attitude in which she constantly shared on the internet with new found successes, such as song deals and more. The children seeing her disrespectful attitude and actions constantly being practiced, quickly followed in them repeating the same actions day after day online and in real life. They think that this is okay for them to do, because they are given the access to the online world very easily.

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