Thursday, November 1, 2018

October Blog Post

For my October blog post, I wanted to talk about transgenders. It was the most interesting part of that month to me. When the "I am Jazz", episodes were played it brought back memories of when I use to watch that show. To be honest, I was not the biggest fan because I felt like they glorified her a lot and some of the situation did not seem realistic to ALL transgenders. A transgender by definition is someones who personal identity does not match up to their birth sex. Basically, someone might be born with girl sex chromosomes but, their gender may be a boy or something else. They might go through procedures to have their sex physically changed or might show their true identity by the way that they behave, dress, or act.

I think learning about transgenders and their stories is important for society to be more accepting towards people who are "different". It can allow our community to grow and learn about every individual and that can benefit everyone as a whole. Outside of this class, I have had multiple friends who are transgenders and have had to see what they have gone through. It is hard seeing the discrimination that occurs in their life and how people can treat them so cruel when they are the same as everyone else. Having those connections though, has made me a more accepting person because I am educated on their life and with that it has given me many opportunities that I would not have gotten if I was narrow minded.

More people need to be educated on the different types of gender identities because it can spread love and culture all around the community. It will allow people to show who they truly are without being afraid of getting treated poorly. This can spread through different religions, ethnicity, sex, gender, basically anything, If more people just accepted one another it could make benefit our society.

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