Tuesday, November 6, 2018

November Blog Post

As a person of the generation I believe that the media plays a big role in the world. Back then, it wasn’t as important but the people in the world have gotten so used to being on it it becomes something that we are on consistently. A lot of times people see media as a good thing and a bad thing. Media can be a good thing and a bad thing. In a good way the media is a place where information is found, and the bad way is that it can be used to down play a person or it’s a place where a lot of people troll others. An example of how the media can be bad is when the BSU football team wins games the people on Twitter still find a way to say how the players individually did bad or something that didn’t really look good during the game. And example of how social media can be good is being able to put yourself out in the open, such as posting a workout video and u are able to be seen by trainers across the world and you are getting recognized.

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