Tuesday, November 6, 2018

October post

For this blog post, I chose advocacy as my concept and more specifically advocacy through alliance building. Advocacy itself means supporting something or someone. Advocacy through alliance building means building a connection in between different groups, which will help getting to the objective in a faster and easier way.  

One of the examples in which I feel this concept is very clear is in politics. When it comes to this topic, there is always going to be people with similar ideas and people with entirely opposite ideas. When elections are close, you can see how groups of people who think in the same way, and want to make the same or at least a similar decision, become really close. It is almost like if  their objective is to proof that their group is right and that everyone should vote for the one person that they think is the best. Another example can be protests, when people are doing this type of activities is because they have the same ideology and want to show it to everyone else. I am sure most of the protests start with different groups of people who have a topic in common and who want to make a change regarding that. The concept can be reflected like this: different people with the same ideas gather together, then different groups with some ideas in common gather together, and by means of doing that, they can obtain whatever they are hoping for in a faster way. Finally, I have experienced this concept myself, it is very hard for me to be close to people who have ideologies that are extremely different than mine, and even more if I have to make a decision regarding that matter. When I was in High School, every year we had a debate to discuss international matter (more specific wars in Asia). I was always against the intervention of the United States in those wars. While having the debates, I would always try to find people who felt the same way and then we created sort of a group in order to make our idea be the right one. This examples for me shows that I liked building connections and supporting ideas because they were similar to the ones I had.

This concept is important because it shows how groups act when they find others who have similar ideas. It is also important because I feel that nowadays we only try to find people who have ideas that are close to the ones we have and based on that a bigger decisions is made and different plans are created in order to make that happen. For me, we still are in a society that is scared of the unknown so it is easier just to get closer to the things that are common to the person and then creating groups that follow the same beliefs. I just think this is a concept everyone has experimented at least once in their lives.

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