Thursday, November 1, 2018

October Blog Post

For my October blog post, I wanted to talk about interpersonal communication which the book defines as , “the interpersonal or exchange that occurs between people who are in a independent relationship.” This means that in a relationship, one partner relies on the other partner to fulfill a need. An example of this is when the relationship is usually not in a healthy state. One partner fulfills his or her needs with things like sex, money, or work to make themselves happy. In the book it talks about interpersonal communication explaining that everything that deals with a relationship are marked by time and our personal perceptions on how we develop and build that particular relationship. Perception is another thing that we talked about and how perception takes a different tole on everyone. Perception is described as the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. Experiencing something can be totally different that how someone else experiences it. An example being that a group of people go out to a haunted house around Halloween time. Some of the people are more scared than others. It might be fun to some but to the others it's not fun at all and then they just want to go home. Perception is different to everyone. Not just by experience but how by sight, smell and taste. I find this interesting because perception's biggest take is life and how some people experience or see things one way and others see it a whole other way. This makes me think that when people bash on other people's liking of music choice. One person may a love a particular song or artist, and someone else might not stand that song or artist. This brings it back to experiencing perception and you own individuality. 

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