Monday, November 12, 2018

Blog #3

The topic that I chose for this week’s blog post is the concept of rituals. Rituals are recognizable patterns that inform/guide our interactions. We see these rituals in family relationships, friendships and romantic relationships in our everyday lives. For example, with the holidays coming up there are many rituals that take place within relationships. Things as small as baking cookies or eating holiday dinner together are rituals. We act out these rituals because it is a part of our culture, and every culture for that matter. Communication is a type of ritual, whether it is talking, sign language, body language or even signals. These are rituals in everyday life. However, let’s talk about rituals in media. I chose a movie called “A Quiet Place” which is a horror movie about a family of five who need to stay quiet their whole lives. They stay quiet to avoid the monsters due to an apocalypse. Their family ritual is to stay quiet and use sign language and signals as a form of communication in order to survive. They do that to stay together and have learned it over time. This is because some rituals take time to learn and some come about right away.

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