Thursday, November 1, 2018

Blog Post 3

The last couple weeks I have learned about just how much communication can be done through many different aspects of our daily life. The way we communicate through movies, commercials, brand labels, music videos, etc.
The Disney video we watched in class breaking down all the wrong seen in the Disney movies I grew up watching. At first, I felt sad watching that video. I have never once thought of the Beast on Beauty and The Beast teaching kids that it is okay for men to yell at women when she refused to come down for dinner. The perspective they were putting all the movies is in a light that someone much older might see. I personally feel the audience of these movies being kids would interpret all the little details in the same light. I loved the movies my generation grew up on and to see them completely apart for every little detail was crazy. The fact that Disney film makers must try to create movies in a light that hopefully won't offend anyone is nowadays. Someone is always going to find something wrong in anything. I just don't think the movies Disney is making are as good anymore because of that fear. 
Another way communication can be done is through music along with the videos they put with their songs. I could hear a song and although I can sing all the words to song, sometimes I swear I don’t even have a clue what the song is about. Watching the music video will give someone an idea of the way the song is seen through the artist. I really enjoyed the video with the high school professor who taught his students through music. I loved that he found a way that those students could learn. He really cared and everyone in his class seemed to have a real passion for finding the deeper meaning behind the words in a song. I know so many songs and I doubt I could tell anyone what half of them mean. To see the students, break down the song and find meaning in the words was neat.
            Through these examples, I was able to see the very different ways of communication whether it be in a movies or songs or music videos. Although I didn’t agree with everything, it is interesting to see things through a different view than my own.

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