Tuesday, November 6, 2018

November Blog Post

It is clear that media plays a huge role in how society affects how people view other people, whether it be in a positive or negative way.  Just recently we have been exposed to key examples of how Movies and Tv Shows shaped the way we viewed men and women specifically.  One example shown in class was the illustration of Disney Movies.  Disney clearly has a major impact on younger generations, mine included, with the portrayal of women specifically and how they are always casted as the one in distress and in the need of saving.  In turn the men in the Disney movies are always very masculine and strong saving the women.  Throughout almost every movie when I was a kid that reinforced gender roles, yet when I was at such an age I did not realize the influence or significant underlying role it had on how boys and girls grew up thinking.  Many people don't go further and investigate the subtle stereotypical representations of gender provided in these movies.  Some movies that demonstrate these representations is "Beauty and the Beast" exemplifies body image and personality while conveying ideas of heterosexuality.  Belle is illustrated as small and innocent whereas Gaston and the Beast are represented at very strong and superior with many outburst.  It was common that the women character was to be quiet and not willing to speak her mind.   

This also has to do a lot with social media.  Especially with younger generations, their entire world is surrounded by posting about all and everything you are up to.  It is to show that you have the most amazing life possible.  Social media is fantasized for the every day public, images are edited and enhanced to look prettier than they actually are. 

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