Tuesday, November 6, 2018

October Blog Post

There are many interesting things that stood out to me this last few weeks but the topic that really captured my attention was relationships and cultures. When we discussed this in class we dove straight into the definition of interpersonal communication which is defined as "the exchange or interaction that occurs between people who are in an interdependent relationship." This type of communication is the way people exchange information feelings, and meanings through verbal and non verbal message, making this a face to face form of communication. I noticed how present interpersonal communication is in our everyday lives, it is a form of communication that is used every single time we communicate to someone. 
The next thing we talked about in this topic was the self as stages which was discovered by Goffman. Goffman talks about two different stages, front stage and back stage which has to do with how we present out selves to others. Front stage is how you communicate yourself to others, what you want people you see every day to see.  Back stage is more behind closed door. Back stage gives you the choice of your selected audience and allows you to show your true colors to them. These stages just like interpersonal communication is used by everybody in their everyday lives. People in today’s society want to show the world how great and how perfect their lives are. An example of this would be social media, everybody wants to show off how happy their lives every second but in reality it’s not always like that. 
It is mind blowing to me how interpersonal communication and self as stages are not only things that relate to each other but are concepts that are used day in and day out but everyone in the world. 

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