Tuesday, November 6, 2018

November Post

Recently we talked about family and the structures, values, and behaviors. We talked in class about the typical American family with two parents and 2.5 children. When we think about a typical family we think about dinners together, celebrating holidays, middle class and white picket fence. The difference is that not all families are like this but we still see a typical family as so. Throughout the years we have been told that strong families of the foundation of a society and that bad parents are to blame for social ills. How else are we supposed to think about a family? We’re told time and time again that we need to have a strong family in order to be emotionally mature. Therefore of course we believe that a typical family should be this way. Step parents and same sex parents are not talked about as much because it wasn’t traditional and it is modern. It is crazy to believe that these are not considered typical families. Even those couples without kids are putting up an argument cause people say they are not considered a family.

This topic took my interest because from my experience I have not seen a perfect typical family almost ever. I just think that it is so interesting that I still believe the same of a typical family. Another thing I found interesting was the culture of different families. For example a girl in our class said she was of the Hawaiian culture and her family is huge. Also my best friend is Mexican and her family is also huge and always together. From family to family it can be so different and that’s what I loved learning about.

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