Thursday, November 1, 2018

October Blogg

October Blog

The topic that I chose to write about are the relational dialects. Rational dialectics is an interpersonal communication theory about close personal ties and relationships that highlights the tension, struggles and interplay between contrary tendencies. Connection vs Separation rational dialect is the feeling that we don’t want to be separated from our partner or significant other. The video we watched in class with the old couples talking about their relationships and how they met. They will always have that connection by one specific time when they met. 
Openness and closedness refers to the desire to be open and divulge information versus the desire to be exclusive and private. Like when someone is talking with their parents about how there weekend went they want to be open but closedness takes place due to the fear of their parents being upset with they for the decisions they made over the weekend. So open and closedness plays a part within out communication with other people. The very last relational dialect is Novelty and Predictability. Novelty and predictability suggest that there is a desire for the relationship to be predictable versus the desire for it to be original. When creating scheduled times to work out with a coach the predictability lies in a fixed schedule but the novelty is that we may have to work out in the rec sometimes to get a change of scenery so when we travel on the road to away games it won’t feel different. My video is a clip from friends with Ross and Rachel and they are talking about connection and separation because Ross wanted to be with her but Rachel wanted her space to go do her work but Ross wanted to be with her all of the time. That is where the conflict comes into play and they end up breaking up. This was my favorite unit of this semester because now I am able to notice it now when I talk to people.

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