Thursday, November 1, 2018

October Blog Post-Coby Carlson

October Blog Post

        The topics that stood out to me most this month were the types of advocacy. Before this course I thought that there was only one way to be an advocate. I thought that way was to speak out in front of a crowd of people or through a social media platform. Through the course I was able to further understand that there are six different types of advocacy and they are as follows: through dialogue, reflexivity, critical literacy, listening, speaking up, and alliance building. Prior to the course I understood advocacy as speaking up or alliance building. I believe the alliance building advocacy type is very prevalent in our society today. Through the social media platform many people are building alliances by either supporting each other via social media posts. A huge example of this is that many celebrities or "Instagram famous" individuals are choosing to advocate for a cause through their posts. From these posts individuals or fans are either building alliances for or against the causes or problems that these celebrities or individuals are advocating for. Below I have attached an example. Taylor Swift used her social media platform in order to show who she supported and voted for, along with encouraging individuals to see the importance of voting for local elections. This is the perfect example of alliance building in our society today.  I believe this topic is important to understand because all of the types of advocacy are very prevalent in our society today. Another prevalent advocacy type in society today is critical literacy because there are many individuals who are using their writing abilities in order to have people read their research and studies in order to see the greater problem which calls for a greater need of advocacy in order to create change. Dialogue is another form of advocacy that we can see today because many individuals are sharing their opinions an beliefs with their friends and those around them because they are so highly passionate about the topic they are an advocate for. Overall advocacy is something that is becoming more and more prevalent in our society today for a variety of different problems and causes. Therefore, it is vital to understand the six types of advocacy in order to create a greater understanding of the intentions of individuals as advocates. 

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