Tuesday, November 6, 2018

October Blog Post

I have become very interested in Buber's four reasons to study relationships because relationships are a part of everyday life. I personally would like to understand relationships on a deeper level and the small list already says a lot. Something unique and important in relationships, they are fluid and unpredictable, they are an ethnic of responsibility, and a sense that we must meet the other person. These four points show that relationships can be forced and become complicated because people search for them so hard. It is a societal norm to be in a relationship and it seems that so may people want it bad. I believe that learning about relationships on a deeper level will help in building them. I feel as if being informed about them will help in the process to make the couple more successful. It should be encouraged to study these things in order to go about relationships in a healthy way.

Not only was I interested in Buber's four reasons but also very interested in the relational dialectics. It is said that our relational lives are always in flux which by personal experience is very true. While in flux, tension comes out and causes some possible problems. The different types of tension we talked about is openness vs closeness, predictability vs novelty, and connection vs separation. Tension happens in a relationship when both partners want the opposite in the same time period. Some examples would be when one partner wants some space while the other thought they were getting closer or when one partner wants to do new things while the other wants to stick to the things that they always do like pizza night. These dialectics show only some of the tensions that pop up in a relationship but they are very relatable and help with understanding how to move forward.

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