Sunday, November 4, 2018

October Blog Post

Our book defines interpersonal communication as, “the interaction or exchange that occurs between people who are in an interdependent relationship,” (192). This illustrates that this occurs between one person to another because they have a common interest in each other. The books talks about the other as someone who you see and who comes from another culture and background. In our society, people can get along with others because communication is a way that bridges people together. There are many types of communication, but interpersonal communication can come across in many ways like romantic, collegiate, and on a friendship basis. The chapter addresses the challenges of communication and how you must converge yourself, others and culture together. Every day we are figuring out the culture we belong to by going out with friends or staying home with loved ones. Each decision we make helps shape our self and can shape others too. This is how powerful communication can be and how it can impact you and everyone around you. Therefore, every day you should practice your personal and interpersonal communication so that you are helping yourself and others. This is what we are doing in our classroom discussions every Tuesday, communicating on a interpersonal level with our classmates and colleagues. 

Warren, J. T., & Fassett, D. L. (2015). Communication: A Critical/Cultural Introduction (2nd ed.).

              Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

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