Thursday, November 1, 2018

Blog Post #3

Chase Cord
COMM 160

Perception: Looks can be deceiving

     When analyzing our lecture on Identity and Perception, I find interest in the idea that perception can be characterized so many different ways by people everywhere. Perception to me, means that there are visual or object materials in the world that one person sees a certain way and someone else sees it as a whole different thing. Sometimes one person can see something and the other may not even be able to 'perceive' it. This topic varies from person to person and that is why I think it is unique. 
     Outside of class, this is something that happens to everyone everywhere, yet they may not realize it. For me, as a football player, I may have had an off game but my parents will perceive it as a great performance. Even though they are telling me that I did a great job I still see my performance in a completely different way, due to having different perspectives. Getting even more specific, I am a quarterback on the football field. Every single play I start with the ball in my hands so it is up to me to decide who I will hand or throw the ball to. Sometimes my wide receivers will say to me that they were open and to throw them the ball, however, I perceived that there was a defensive player who had good position to make a play on the ball. He was focused in on the football and where to run his route to but I was focused on who was around him and if I could be able to successfully get him the football. 
     I believe that it is extremely important to know what perception is and in which different ways it could occur. Mostly commonly this can occur with perceiving looks and characteristics in different people. I may think one girl is extremely cute but my closest friend or even my brother may not find that female attractive. This also occurs with same sex genders as some girls may judge how other females look and could lead to self esteem issues. It is important to keep sensitive perceptions to yourself in order not to start issues that can be prevented. I found an article that provided terrific insight on perceptions. Scientific American article states, "If you routinely misperceive or even hallucinate and act on those misapprehensions, you won’t survive long in a world filled with dangers whose avoidance requires accurate distance and speed assessments and rapid reaction" (Koch). I can understand that not only cultural viewpoints can shape perception, but also dependent upon an individual's psychological state of mind. It is important for people to feed their mind and bodies healthy things in order to maintain positive thoughts and feelings. 

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