Thursday, November 1, 2018

October Blog

For this blog post I want to discuss family bullies in interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication is a conversation, process, or interaction between individuals who share information and feelings. Family bullies is something that I have personally dealt with in my life. I have older cousins that use to bully me when I would go to family functions when I was a young boy. Although, my stories aren't as extreme as the ones we read in the two stories, they still had a negative impact on my childhood. I also will never forget the times they bullied me. Next, when they use to bully me I use to be very confused, but I honestly I just let it make me stronger. As, I sit here and think about it today I'm somewhat glad they bullied because it taught me at a young age about how life isn't fair, and how things aren't always going to go your way. In my opinion, family bullies is important because I feel like as a society we are afraid to discuss family issues because it's a sacred area, but there are some destructive things that can go on within people's families. Just like any other bullying, family bullies can have a negative impact on somehwhat's childhood that can lead them to having a troubled adulthood as well. Bullying is something that we should never overlook, it doesn't matter if it is within the family or not. Bullying is never okay, and family bullies need to be addressed in our society.

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