Tuesday, November 6, 2018


  The last couple of days in communication class I have been learning a lot about life and how its changed in a remarkable way. It kind of keep you guessing on what's next to come because i have learned that generations have changed majorly.
   I wanted to talk about the Disney videos we watched in class because it made me reminisce when I was a kid on all the cartoons I used to watch and how I thought about them growing up. I have to say I was very disappointed because as a kid I thought of Beast on Beauty as something loving, caring, colorful, animals, and many other fantastic things a young kid would think. But the video we watched in class about Beast on Beauty was mostly about how it teaches men to yell at their woman and basically demand them to do things. I have to say that is very true now that I watched the movie over, but this was way beyond kids this manly should have targeted adults because I child wouldn't be experienced enough to know all the details in the movie. I just think its very sad that now our generation is making little kids grow up way faster because of the negativity people find in our day to day lives. I feel like its teaching kids a bad habit and creating a negative environment because parents are trying to force their kids to learn adult things at a early age. Hopefully as they grow they will start to see the bigger picture in life but beating them up early should never be the case especially in movies where all they care about is the color and animals.

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