Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Blog 1-Conquergood's Performance as a Moral act

For this blog, I will be discussing two of Conquergood’s Performing as a Moral Act. The two I have chosen are custodian’s rip-off, which is essentially doing something with or for other people for reasons that will benefit you without that person knowing. The second one I have chosen is curator’s exhibition, which is basically focusing on the flaws of people that you may consider different or not normal. It can be based on looks, activities, personality, etc.

The example I have come up with that connects to this performance of a moral act is from the movie Mean Girls. The plot of the movie is about a new girl who tries to fit in with the popular girls in school, The Plastics. In the YouTube video I included, it shows all the different stereotypical high school groups and somehow Cady ends up with The Plastics. She starts out by doing everything they do to fit in and then by the end turns her back on them to get back at them for what they’ve done to her and other people at school. Essentially, this relates to the custodian rip-off because the main character Cady is trying to become popular by squeezing her way into this group of girls that will help out her social status. The Plastics don’t realize it in the beginning of what she is trying to do, but eventually they start to turn on her, so Cady gets back at them for all the horrible stuff they did to her.

The example I have come up with that connects to curator’s exhibition is my personal experience of living with roommates. Freshman year of college was the first time I’d ever lived with people that weren’t my family. I was aware that my roommates and I all grew up differently and were taught different ways of doing things. Unfortunately, the curator’s exhibition in me would only focus on things that they did that was displeasing or bother me. For example, not picking up after themselves or doing the dishes. It was always some sort of household “chore” that they didn’t do that would irritate me and I would make a big fuss about it to other people. I wouldn’t directly tell them because I didn’t want conflict, but it caused tension living together. Thankfully, I no longer live with them, but that example relates to Conquergood’s act of curator’s exhibition. It’s a bad habit to have, but for most of us it is a natural instinct sometimes.

Here is the link to the Mean Girls Clip: https://youtu.be/jMTPp-QGWfo

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