Wednesday, September 26, 2018

September Blog Post

The concept I will be discussing is perception and identity. Perception is how people see, influenced by the social, political, and cultural experiences that influence and mark them. A similar way to describe perception is someone’s point of view. As for identity it is the totality of the persons self attributes at a given moment in time. Identity is who someone is such as a daughter, student, where they’re from and more concepts that makes an individual unique. Our perception has to do with our identity. For example, if someone is a strong republican, then that shapes their perception based on their identity. 

In class Mrs. Ivey talked about a picture of a glass mason jar with big rocks, pebbles and sand. The big rocks go in first as they take up the most room, then the pebbles which fill in between the big rocks, lastly goes the sand that fills up the rest of the jar. This is an example of perception because the big rocks represent what is most important in someone’s life which must always be first such as family and friends. The pebbles represent the second most important things that are still a priority but not as much as family or friends. Lastly is the sand which is the outside factors. The mason jar can only be filled up in that order or else not everything fits. This represents the influences that makes up who you are by what you believe is most important to you must go first and everything else will fall into place.               

Everyone’s perception is different just like their identity. My identity first comes as a daughter and girlfriend. My family is the most important thing to me and being a daughter to my parents is the biggest part of my identity because I wouldn’t be who I am without them. Second would be a girlfriend as I have been with my boyfriend for a long time and he is basically part of my family, being in a relationship helped me grow into the person I am today. The last factors of my identity would be volleyball and being a Washingtonian. I have been playing volleyball since I was 12 and today it consumes my life. Even though I go to school in Idaho I am from Washington and growing up there is a big part of who I am and has an impact on the people I have met throughout my life. There is a term called saliency which is what is being utilized the most. For example, if I was in the moment playing volleyball I would be salient toward volleyball because that is what I am doing in the moment. 

Identity and perception are important because these concepts make you who you are. Identity and perception are something that is unique to everyone because everyone is different. Where you grow up and the people you’re around shapes your perception and identity so knowing the importance of the influences around you is important for shaping who you’re. 

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