Friday, September 7, 2018

Blog #1

For this blog post, I decided to define custodian’s rip-off. This concept means engaging or become friends with another person only because is going to help me as an individual in some way.
I feel we can see this concept anywhere we go. For example on a work setting, someone tries to become really good friends with the boss in order to get the easiest tasks or even to get a promotion. On a high school setting, a little boy/girl can start talking with others for two different reasons, first to get help in classes and have the other person do everything for them, or two because they want to be part of the “popular” group in order to feel the entire school likes them. We can also see this concept in a couple different movies and shows. For example on “To all the boys I’ve loved before” the guy first approaches the girl to tell her he doesn’t like her, but then he decides to use her and tell her to be his fake girlfriend in order to make the other girl (his ex-girlfriend) jealous. Another movie example can be on “The devil wears Prada” Andy (who is the main character) tries to be friends with Christian Thompson only because he can help her publish her writings. And to use an example of a show, on “Revenge”, the main character tries to come closer to a Chinese professor just because he is the one who is going to teach her what she can do in order to make the family she hates pay for what they did.
Finally, I believe this concept is important because at some point we all use it. It would be a lie if someone says they haven’t talk to a person only because it would help them in some way. Also because I feel it’s a term we ignore and don’t pay attention to when in fact, we can see examples and even experiment this concept in our daily life really often.  

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