Thursday, September 27, 2018

September Blog Post

I am centering this months blog post around the idea of identity and perception. Within this topic comes the idea of stereotyping which are the easy conclusions we make about people that reduce them from unique individuals to predictable types. I see stereotyping on a day to day basis. We see it within society when we group individuals into different subcategories based off of our initial judgments of them. I have been in situations where I have been stereotyped and in situations where I was stereotyping someone else without intentionally doing it.
In class this month we read sections from Barthes Mythologies. In the "Toys" chapter, it exclaimed the idea of how French dolls are made for little girls in order to teach them how to prepare for motherhood. I see this as a way of stereotyping that all little girls will grow up to be house wives and taking care of the children. It stereotypes them into a group that they have to be mothers simply because they are girls.
We also see stereotypes on a day to day basis. When we make judgments about who somebody is based off of who they hang out with or what they wear, we are subconsciously placing them into a stereotype that we created for them. Whether the stereotype turns out to be accurate or not, we will constantly hold onto that preconceived idea of them now.

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