Thursday, September 6, 2018

August Blog

Social Construction:

When I was in high school, I had to take speech and since that class every communication class has taught me about how the social construction has changed. Each time I have taken a new communication class, it has been brought up and the rules have changed. This to me is very interesting because in such a short amount of time the way you "should" behave, act, or talk changes. When you look back into your parents or even grandparents lives the way they behave and talk is so much different then the people in this era. Back then, it was normal to meet people in person and be outside more. While now, it is strange to meet your significant other outside the internet world. It was more common for people back then to ask permission from a girls parents to marry them. Now, it is more rare. Even in a short year the ways people behave have changed. Like, I would say last year it the world was a less accepting place. It was on it's way but, now it is more prominent. People are standing up for what they believe more now than ever. 

To talk about a specific example of social construction is with sexual orientation. A long time ago, the concept of even someone liking the same sex was not even thought about. It was an absolute sin and even today some people still have that idea. But, from then there has been some massive improvements. As time went on, more and more people started sharing their knowledge and experiences of them liking the same sex. The more people educate each other about something that is so taboo the more people learn how to accept and grow. Now, we are seeing new different identities and educating people on all walks of live so more and more people can be who they are an accepted. I think this generation has been really good at that it is just the older ones that are still unsure how to feel about since that is the way they have been raised. So, hopefully this generation teaches their young ones and the people around them to love and accept so the world turns into a better place.

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