Tuesday, September 25, 2018

September Blog

Samantha Sadler
Christina Ivey
Comm 160-001
25 September 2018
Learning about language and culture is an important task for us to do. We must be able to understand how language works as well as how it can interact with our culture. One concept that I found to be interesting was orders of signification which are the processes of linking the signifiers to the signified. The first key aspect of this is denotation, which refers to the literal definition of something. For example, the denotation of a map would be a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc. because it is the textbook definition of a map. The second aspect is connotation which is the expressive meaning of something. Going back to the map example, here, a map would be the thoughts that are generated in our minds when the word map is said. We then are presented with the myth which is the cultural values and beliefs that are expressed through that connotation. This would be the different visualizations people have of maps which then becomes the denotative meaning of that sign. Myths can be both positive and negative in society.
Myths are common in our everyday life, we just may not know them as myths. One type of myth that is present especially in today’s society is the idea of stereotypes. This is an idea that was socially constructed by society and now has both a denotative and connotative meaning. When thinking about it as a myth, we are able to see how the connotative meaning has taken the place of the denotative meaning. There is now a very negative meaning to stereotypes. People use them to discriminate against others and create ideas about certain groups of people then clumping them together. A common stereotype that is constantly brought up is the idea that those of Asian descent are bad drivers. This is reaffirmed everytime someone who is not Asian sees a driver make a common mistake while driving then happens to be Asian. The myth is thus furthered because people associate the Asian race with the ability to drive poorly when in reality we all make mistakes while driving, we just tend to point it out more when we see the stereotype against Asians to present itself on the road.

The overall idea of myths is important to be understood because like Roland Barthes said in his book titled Mythologies, “Myth is a language” (Barthes 10). Understanding how myths work and being able to find them within everyday life is helpful. It will then allow us to see how society has changed the meanings of certain words, allowing us to think back to the real meaning of something. All three of the terms that make of the order of significance are important to understanding the truths in language throughout our lives.

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