Thursday, September 6, 2018

Blog #1

I have always been very intrigued about the different concepts and ideas that come with active listening.  Since I have switched my major to Communication I have already been opened up to the ways in which people interact and listen to one another.  I would consider myself a very active listener, whether it be listening to a close friend or someone I just met.  I consistently repeat what is being addressed in conversation as well as stay fully engaged.

Dialogic Listening is something I strive to have from both parties in a conversation.  To have both parties have an open ended attitude as well as focusing on the now and what benefits both can receive from each and every conversation.  Active listening is one of the absolute key components to building and having a strong relationships with anyone.  I am currently taking Public Speaking on campus and when speeches are given daily, it is extremely important to give the speaker your full attention to make them more comfortable and show genuine interest.  

One key concept that Conquergood talks about is skeptic's cop-out.  This refers to when individuals or groups do not engage with one another due to differences.  One example that I feel expresses this concept is in the movie "House Bunny" when each sorority does not like to engage with one another due to the mere fact that they are in different houses and view each other as better than each other.  This instance happens all the time in regards to sororities.  It creates a division between houses where some feel they cannot interact with those that are not in the same sorority as them.  

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