Friday, September 7, 2018

Blog Post #1

Chase Cord
COMM 160
Blog #1
     In Conquergood's (1985) Performing as Moral Acts, I begin to look at the act of Custodian's Rip-Off. This concept expands on the idea of engaging with others for selfish reasons. To me, I see that as somebody using me to their disposal. An individual sees that I offer something that they might want or need and decide to affiliate themselves with me in order to get that. This concept could be deceiving to somebody who may lack attention from those around them. They see that somebody that they might not know is engaging with them for the first time. This could potentially lift up that struggling individual until they soon find out that they were only being used for something. I mostly see this happen outside of school. For example, a female who is considered a "gold digger" would only bring themselves around a man for his money. They would expect this man to give them money or pay for their shoes or dresses, etc. for her own selfish gain. To me, this concept or moral act is unjust and separates the good and the evil in today's world due to the lack of generosity and understanding to people's feelings.
     In my social life, I see a lot of examples of Custodian's Rip-Off happen right in front of my face and although it might not make a huge impact initially, it can weigh on a person over time. For example, an individual might not notice that they are being used for rides in their car to a music festival once a month. The one that I notice happens quite a bit is when somebody was not invited to a house party or get together and they soon find an individual who was invited and is driving there and they will ask them if they can catch a ride to the party. Once they get to the function then that person separates from the other and continues on with their night as if they never even received help. This concept happens a lot whether it is going to a house party or going to the mall. If someone has something that you may want or need, it seems to be human nature to either take it or ask and receive. The problem with Custodian's Rip-Off is that too many people take advantage of other's kindness. Soft hearted people are not weak. They understand the opportunities that are given to them and if somebody else takes that and runs with it then they will not forget it. Like me, I forgive people very easily and it will take a lot to lose my forgiveness for good, but that does not make me soft, it just means I have a good heart and a clear mind.
     This concept is important in order to realize what types of miscommunications and misunderstandings go on around us. Realizing that these occurrences take place in our community is an opportunity to shift our focus to finding a solution. Once someone stands up for themselves, they begin to feel a higher level of self-esteem and self confidence. This article shows the steps you can take to bettering and respecting yourself in order to grow out of the old circumstances. In Conquergood's (1985) Performing of Moral Acts, Custodian's Rip-Off shows the true colors of citizens in the United States today and whether or not this generation is stuck in a selfish, narrow minded state of civilization. It is up to us to figure out who really belongs in our life and who are the ones holding us back.

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