Friday, September 7, 2018

Blog Post 1


The Most Important Sentence 
Listening is one of the most important tool to use when communicating with anyone. This concept is a two way street which allows us to get feedback from one another. Throughout my entire life my parents have taught me how to be a good listener because being a good listener shows manners and respect to the person speaking. My parents taught me how to have the proper body language depending on the conversation and how to give verbal ques to let the speaker know you are engaged on what they are saying and also know when it is your turn to give your feedback. Although I have been taught since I have been little on how to be a good listener does not make me perfect, there are things I can still do to better my listening skills. 
For example I can be more engaged into conversation then getting distracted on what’s on TV or the noise going on behind me which I think a lot of people struggle with. Since people struggle with paying attention to conversation do to the noise going around us allows to focus on some of the words being said and not the emotion. This is allowing us to lose are main path to communication. 
Listening is more than hearing words, its about hearing the emotion and seeing the speakers body language and how they are acting which allows you to truly pick up what they are saying.  An example is when I would come home from school to my roommate and he would tell me about his day. Even though I was tired from a long day of school I still wanted to know about his day so I would have to focus on not only what he was saying but how he was saying and trying to pick up of his emotion and body language seeing if it was a good or bad day.
This concept in communication is crucial. Listening skills allow us to make sense of one another and understand what another person is saying. In other words, listening skills allow people to understand what someone is talking about the meaning behind the words. The ability to listen and to comprehend also allows workers to build a strong rapport with coworkers, managers, and clients. Employers and managers have confidence in workers that can listen to instructions and then do what is expected with minimal follow-up. Good listeners also have a better track record resolving problems with customers. If we do not have listening we have no platform for communication, we would have no way of communicating to one another about anything regardless of what it is. Listening allows us to get things done and understand what is go on around us. 

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