Friday, September 7, 2018

August Blog Post

A concept I would like to talk about that I have taken away from class so far has been the concept of dialogic listening. The reason I chose to write about this topic is because I realized that between this class and my Conflict Management class, that people are pretty good at hearing but most of us are not good at listening. In order to be able to listen you must synonymously be able to comprehend what is being said. Dialogic listening emphasizes that a conversation is a shared activity, so you must put in effort to treat it as such. There is also a more open-ended concept to dialogic listening, meaning once you have said your piece, you then put effort into understanding and comprehending what the other person is saying back to you.
For instance, when you are having a conversation with someone about something that is important to you, you feel it's worth paying attention to with open ears. But, when the person you're talking to replies in a way that seems almost mechanical or automated as if he didn't put any thought or comprehension into their response, it hurts you. For better, worse, or somewhere in between we feel disrespected. That is why it's important to take the time to focus on what is happening in the conversation between you and another person(s). Make sure you can demonstrate to the other person that you've been actively listening and are entranced in a way you wish anyone you're talking to would be.

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