Friday, September 7, 2018

Blog #1

Hello everyone, my name is Carlos Levi. For this blog post I want to discuss custodians rip off. I think this is an interesting one because I think it is very common. It is important that when creating dialogue with some that you are actively communicating and listening to ensure that you are in a meaningful conversation with that person. I think that throughout most people's days the custodians rip off people use a lot in their daily life whether they are consciously thinking about it or not. I can use many examples for this but one that stands out in particular is a personal one. I think throughout high school I personally did this a lot. The label, "teachers pet" I think is a great example. I know in high school I would always kiss up to my teachers or coaches in order to either receive better grades or to obtain special privileges on a sports team. I remember typically always going up to my teachers in high school the first day of class and asking them lots of questions and pretending I was engaged in the learning, when in reality I just wanted them to think that, so that maybe I would become a favorite in order to receive better grades, just because they liked me as a student or person. I usually never actually cared about the topic but I remember teachers that I was, "close" with would allow me to re-take tests and allow me to do other things they wouldn't let other students normally do. I had a biology teacher that I would do this to and I remember multiple occasions where he would give me his debit card to go grab him and I food towards the end of class. In reality, my teacher was a cool guy and I did like him. But the real reason I was actually "engaged" in conversation with him was to receive special treatment. Another example I can think of is in high school as well. In our friend group, we always had a kid that had lots of money. He was never really that close to me or my friends but he would hangout with us, and I think that subconsciously we really hung out with him because he was the guy that always drove us places and bought alcohol for parties. In reality, none of us really would call him a good friend, he was just there. These are all examples of custodians rip off because there was some sort of selfish desire that was had, to receive a benefit rather than exchange something meaningful.

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